SBUtil in Action (And Some Fixes)

As a means of demonstrating what you can achieve with SBUtil I’ve created a little test to show it’s possible to trivially change the size of the data set and rerun the same workload to show how TPS can vary if the SGA/Buffer Cache is kept consistent.

First the script

#!/bin/bash sqlplus sys/welcome1@//ed2xcomp01/DOMS as sysdba << EOF create bigfile tablespace SOE datafile size 1000G; exit; EOF time ./oewizard -scale 1 -dbap welcome1 -u soe -p soe -cl -cs //ed2xcomp01/DOMS -ts SOE -create time ./charbench -u soe -p soe -cs //ed2xcomp01/DOMS -uc 128 -min -0 -max 0 -stats full -rt 0:10 -bs 0:01 -a -r resscale01.xml time ./sbutil -u soe -p soe -cs //ed2xcomp01/DOMS -soe -parallel 64 -dup 2 time ./charbench -u soe -p soe -cs //ed2xcomp01/DOMS -uc 128 -min -0 -max 0 -stats full -rt 0:10 -bs 0:01 -a -r resscale02.xml time ./sbutil -u soe -p soe -cs //ed2xcomp01/DOMS -soe -parallel 64 -dup 2 time ./charbench -u soe -p soe -cs //ed2xcomp01/DOMS -uc 128 -min -0 -max 0 -stats full -rt 0:10 -bs 0:01 -a -r resscale04.xml time ./sbutil -u soe -p soe -cs //ed2xcomp01/DOMS -soe -parallel 64 -dup 2 time ./charbench -u soe -p soe -cs //ed2xcomp01/DOMS -uc 128 -min -0 -max 0 -stats full -rt 0:10 -bs 0:01 -a -r resscale08.xml time ./sbutil -u soe -p soe -cs //ed2xcomp01/DOMS -soe -parallel 64 -dup 2 time ./charbench -u soe -p soe -cs //ed2xcomp01/DOMS -uc 128 -min -0 -max 0 -stats full -rt 0:10 -bs 0:01 -a -r resscale16.xml time ./sbutil -u soe -p soe -cs //ed2xcomp01/DOMS -soe -parallel 64 -dup 2 time ./charbench -u soe -p soe -cs //ed2xcomp01/DOMS -uc 128 -min -0 -max 0 -stats full -rt 0:10 -bs 0:01 -a -r resscale32.xml time ./sbutil -u soe -p soe -cs //ed2xcomp01/DOMS -soe -parallel 64 -dup 2 time ./charbench -u soe -p soe -cs //ed2xcomp01/DOMS -uc 128 -min -0 -max 0 -stats full -rt 0:10 -bs 0:01 -a -r resscale64.xml time ./sbutil -u soe -p soe -cs //ed2xcomp01/DOMS -soe -parallel 64 -dup 2 time ./charbench -u soe -p soe -cs //ed2xcomp01/DOMS -uc 128 -min -0 -max 0 -stats full -rt 0:10 -bs 0:01 -a -r resscale128.xml time ./sbutil -u soe -p soe -cs //ed2xcomp01/DOMS -soe -parallel 64 -dup 2 time ./charbench -u soe -p soe -cs //ed2xcomp01/DOMS -uc 128 -min -0 -max 0 -stats full -rt 0:10 -bs 0:01 -a -r resscale256.xml

I’m hoping it should be fairly obvious what the script does. I create a tablespace big enough to accommodate the final data set (In this instance 1TB). This way I’m not constantly auto extending the tablespace. Then I create a seed schema at 1GB in size. Then I run a workload against the schema, this will remain constant through all of the tests. Each of the load tests runs for 10min and collects full stats. After the test has completed I use “sbutil” to replicate the schema and simply rerun the workload writing the results to a new file. By the end of the tests and duplication the end schema has roughly ½ a Terabytes worth of data and about the same in indexes. The benefit of this approach is that it’s much quicker to expand the data than using the wizard to do it.

The directory will now contain all of the results files which can be processed trivially using the the “” script in utils directory. In the example below I simply parse all of the files and write the result to a file called res1.csv. Because the python script is so easy to modify you could pull out any of the stats from the file. I’m just using the ones that it collects by default

$ python ../utils/ -r resscale01.xml    resscale02.xml    resscale04.xml    resscale08.xml    resscale16.xml    resscale32.xml    resscale64.xml    resscale9128.xml  resscale9256.xml -o res1.csv

On completing this step I can use my favourite spread sheet tool to load res1.csv and take a look at the data. In this instance I’m using “Numbers” on OS X but Excel would work equally as well.


The resulting chart shows pretty much what we’d expect .That doubling the size of the datasets but keeping the workload and SGA constant results in a reduction of the TPS. Which tails off quickly as the data set quickly outgrows the buffer cache and we are forced to perform physical IOs, but declines less slowly after this impact is felt. It’s something we would expect but it’s nice to able to demonstrate it.

TPS Chart

So the next obvious question is how easy is it to rerun the test but to enable a feature like partitioning. Really easy. Simply ask oewizard to create the schema using hash partitioning i.e. change

time ./oewizard -scale 1 -dbap welcome1 -u soe -p soe -cl -cs //ed2xcomp01/DOMS -ts SOE -create


time ./oewizard -scale 1 -hashpart -dbap welcome1 -u soe -p soe -cl -cs //ed2xcomp01/DOMS -ts SOE -create

and rerun the tests to produce the following results

TPS Chart2

Or even enabling compression and partitioning by simply replacing the first sbutil operation with

time ./sbutil -u soe -p soe -cs //ed2xcomp01/DOMS -soe -parallel 64 -dup 2 -ac

TPS Chart3

During the testing of this I fixed up a few bugs which I wasn’t aware of so it’s worth downloading a new build which you can find here. I also released I needed a few more options on the utility to round it out. These were

  • “seqs” : this recreates the sequences used by the schemas
  • “code” : rebuilds any stored procedures

I’ll most likely add a few more over the coming weeks.

Just a word of caution… I’ve noticed that my stats collection is broken. I don’t cater for all of the possible version/configurations in my script and so it can break on large stats collections and go serial. I’ll try and fix this next week.

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