Installing Python 2.7 in local directory on Oracle Bare Metal Cloud
08/09/17 09:33 Filed in: Python
I know there will be Linux and Python specialist spitting feathers about this approach. But if you're in need of an up to date python environment then the following approach might be of help.It's worth nothing that this technique will probably work on most Oracle Enterprise Linux or Red Hat Platform releases.
#make localdirectory to install python i.e. mkdir python #make sure latest libs needs for python are installed sudo yum install openssl openssl-devel sudo yum install zlib-devel #Download latest source i.e. Python-2.7.13.tgz and uncompress tar xvfz Python-2.7.13.tgz cd Python-2.7.13 #configure python for local install config --enable-shared --prefix=/home/opc/python --with-libs=/usr/local/lib make; make install #python 2.7.13 is now installed but isn't currently being used (2.6 is still the default) #get pip curl -o #install pip (this will still be installed with 2.6) sudo python #install virtualenv sudo pip install virtualenv #create a virtualenv using the newly installed python virtualenv -p /home/opc/python/bin/python myvirtualenv #activate it source myvirtualenv/bin/activate #install packages… pip install cx_Oracle
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