New build of swingbench (Build 341)

Okay... Whilst this is mostly a bug fix release.... and thanks for those who are sending them in.... more welcome Winking

I introduced two new piece's of functionality eek.... sorry.

The first enables to choose which charts to display in the overview chart. It can only currently be enabled by editing the config file. (Im not going to change the UI any further in this build). To enable it simply save any config file and edit the file... There's a new xml list in the Preferences section which should look like

<Name>Response Time</Name>
<Name>Transactions Per Second</Name>
<Name>Transactions Per Minute</Name>

You can edit the list and include only the ones you want to show, optionally including a maximum value. ie.

<Name>Transactions Per Second</Name>

The second change allows you to specify non autoscaling charts with maximum values inside of clusteroverview. This again needs to be edit inside of the clusteroverview.xml file


Im hoping the pain of a final (I promise) change will make things simpler for clusteroverview.

I've fixed a few further bugs as well. Some unhandled exceptions and things like the charts being grey in the overview chart when they clearly should have been white (shouldn't they?)

You can download it here

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